Fine Art: Traditional Painting & Sculpture/Art History: Metal - Silver/Gold/Precious Stones/Enamel Monographs

Monographs || Survey ||

DÖDERHULTARN OG SVEN LJUNGBERG. To Kunstnere fra Småland (Two Artists from Småland)

Author: Mathiesen, Eske K
Country: Sweden
Code: 4056
Language: Danish
Year Published: 1999
No. of pages: 85
Illustrations: 22 Color Illustrations. 41 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 9”x 10”
Weight: 1.00

Price: 55.00

Axel Petersson, called Doderhultarn, and Sven Ljungberg are two artists from the region of Smaland who merged realism with humor. The book chronicles the life and works of both artists, and is composed of chapters from artists and curators detailing components to each artist’s life and work. This is a comprehensive investigation of each artist, complete with photographs and reprints of their paintings, sketches, etchings, and wood figures.


Author: Kaipainen, Marja
Country: Finland
Code: 1684
Language: Finnish
Year Published: 1994
No. of pages: 256
Illustrations: 134 Color Illustrations. 129 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 11 1/2”x8 1/2”

Price: 75.00

This is a very beautiful book about the work of Finland’s beloved artist, Albert Edelfelt (1854-1905). His superb portraits, and his paintings and drawings of people from all walks of life, are as full of life and charm today as they were 100 years ago. Many photographs of the artist, his family, and the subjects he painted enchance this book.


Author: Eija Kämäräinen
Country: Finland
Code: 0451
Language: Finnish/ English summary
Year Published: 1992
No. of pages: 127
Illustrations: 60 Color Illustrations.
Size: 12”x 11”
Weight: 3.00

Price: 49.50

A lovely book on one of Finland’s best known artists Albert Edelfelt (1854-1905) painting Finnish landscapes, portraits, children playing in water and much more, a beautiful addition to your library.

EDVARD PETERSENS UDVANDRERBILLEDE (Edvard Petersen’s Emigration Painting).

Author: Sørensen, Jens Erik, ed
Country: Denmark
Code: 5664
Language: Danish/English Summary
Year Published: 1985
No. of pages: 31
Illustrations: 17 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 6”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 0.00

Price: 12.50

“Emigrants at Larsens Plads” by Petersen (1841-1911) is one of the most popular paintings in the Art Museum of Aarhus. It was painted in 1890 and already the following year it came to Aarhus. He has a keen eye for details, and because of the naturalistic qualities of the painting - it almost looks like a photograph - it has found its way to a large number of history books as an historical document. The essay sets out to question this use of painting by looking at his background in the aftermath of the tradition of the so-called Golden Age of Danish Painting, and goes on to take a closer look at the painter’s working method, technique, and artistic aims.

ERICHSEN, THORVALD PÅ LILLEHAMMER (Thorvald Erichsen at Lillehammer).

Author: Per Bj. Boym
Country: Norway
Code: 3156
Language: Norwegian
Year Published: 1990
No. of pages: 163
Illustrations: 54 Color Illustrations. 30 B&W Illustrations.
Size: 11”x 9 1/2”
Weight: 2.00

Price: 79.50

Beautiful impressionist works in Lillehammer, Norway, by artist Thorvald Erichsen (1868-1939). The captivating and bright colors light up each page. A sensational and very modern colorist - the pastel complexity of Bonnard, but with the larger and calmer surfaces of a premature Morandi - one of the lesser known Internationally of the Nordic set, but one of the most striking. This is an excellent monograph on Erichsen.