ERICHSEN, THORVALD PÅ LILLEHAMMER (Thorvald Erichsen at Lillehammer).

ERICHSEN, THORVALD PÅ LILLEHAMMER (Thorvald Erichsen at Lillehammer).

Author: Per Bj. Boym
Country: Norway
Language: Norwegian
Year Published: 1990
No. of pages: 163
Illustrations: 54 Color Illustrations. 30 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound with Jacket
Size: 11”x 9 1/2”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 8299204518
Biblio/Bio: Bio. Bibl. Cat. of exh.
Code: 3156

Price: $79.50

Beautiful impressionist works in Lillehammer, Norway, by artist Thorvald Erichsen (1868-1939). The captivating and bright colors light up each page. A sensational and very modern colorist - the pastel complexity of Bonnard, but with the larger and calmer surfaces of a premature Morandi - one of the lesser known Internationally of the Nordic set, but one of the most striking. This is an excellent monograph on Erichsen.