
BOHR, NIELS. Memoirs of a Working Relationship

Author: Rozental, Stefan
Country: Denmark
Language: English
Year Published: 1998
No. of pages: 172
Illustrations: 17 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 8”x 5”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8772418702
Biblio/Bio: Index. Bios.
Code: 3627

Price: $49.50

The author was the chief assistant to the great scientist Niels Bohr for more than twenty years and has countless stories to tell. In his reminiscences, Rozental’s honest and direct style gives us deep insight into Bohr’s life and work.


Author: Adam White ed.
Country: Massachusetts
Language: English
Year Published: 2010
No. of pages: 288
Binding: Softbound
Size: 8 1/2”x 5 1/2”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 9781108008136
Biblio/Bio: Index.
Code: 7202

Price: $29.50

Comprising a translation from F. Martens' Voyage to Spitzbergen: a translation from Isaac de la Peyrère's Histoire du Groenland: and God's Power and Providence in the Preservation of Eight Men in Greenland Nine Months and Twelve Days.


Author: Bjerregaard, Birgitte
Country: Denmark
Language: English/ Chinese
Year Published: 2010
No. of pages: 64
Illustrations: Richly Illustrated Color Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 12 1/2”x 9”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8787541033
Biblio/Bio: Index.
Code: 6940

Price: $39.50

A collaborative effort from a number of Danish companies, research institutions, organisations and developers presents their contributions on sustainability. Spanning vastly divergent fields of expertise, they present a number of existing innovative solutions and a great deal of know-how covering renewable energy, sustainable construction and sustainable urban development. These fields are central to combating the climate challenges facing us, which no one nation, country or continent can deal with single-handed. Very up to date, very innovative, a must for every library, which has books on design for 2011 and beyond.

FAUST IN COPENHAGEN, A Struggle for the Soul of Physics.

Author: Segre. Gino
Country: New York
Language: English
Year Published: 2007
No. of pages: 310
Binding: Hardbound with Jacket
Size: 9”x 6”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 9780670038589
Biblio/Bio: Index. Bibl.
Code: 6398

Price: $29.50

A physicist himself, Gino Segrè writes about what scientists do and why they do it with intimacy, clarity, and passion. In Faust in Copenhagen, he evokes the fleeting, magical moment when physics and the world was about to lose its innocence forever. Known by physicists as the miracle year, 1932 saw the discovery of the neutron and antimatter, as well as the first artificially induced nuclear transmutations. However, while scientists celebrated these momentous discoveries which presaged the nuclear era and the emergence of big science?during a meeting at Niels Bohr’s Copenhagen Institute, Europe was moving inexorably toward totalitarianism and war.


Author: Hansen, Eric Steen
Country: Denmark
Language: English
Year Published: 1995
No. of pages: 124
Illustrations: 304 Color Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 8 1/2”x 5 1/2”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8772456418
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Index.
Code: 1914

Price: $45.00

Lichens are fascinating dual organisms: fungi that live symbiotically with algae. This book on lichen flora deals with 300 Greenland species, all of which are described in detail and illustrated with color photographs. This handbook also gives information on ecology, distribution and practical use of lichens. Undoubtedly valuable for both amateur and specialist.