EDVARD PETERSENS UDVANDRERBILLEDE (Edvard Petersen’s Emigration Painting).

EDVARD PETERSENS UDVANDRERBILLEDE (Edvard Petersen’s Emigration Painting).

Author: Sørensen, Jens Erik, ed
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish/English Summary
Year Published: 1985
No. of pages: 31
Illustrations: 17 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 6”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 0.00
ISBN: 8788575187
Biblio/Bio: Bio. Bibl.
Code: 5664

Price: $12.50

“Emigrants at Larsens Plads” by Petersen (1841-1911) is one of the most popular paintings in the Art Museum of Aarhus. It was painted in 1890 and already the following year it came to Aarhus. He has a keen eye for details, and because of the naturalistic qualities of the painting - it almost looks like a photograph - it has found its way to a large number of history books as an historical document. The essay sets out to question this use of painting by looking at his background in the aftermath of the tradition of the so-called Golden Age of Danish Painting, and goes on to take a closer look at the painter’s working method, technique, and artistic aims.