TØRREDE BLOMSTER (Dried Flowers). En Introduktion (An Introduction)

Author: Vembye, Dorthe
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 1996
No. of pages: 63
Illustrations: 21 Color Illustrations. 62 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 9 1/2”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8711120096
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Index. Cat. of exh.
Code: 4788

Price: $34.50

Clear and concise, with instructive text, drawings and photos, this book shares all about the methods and materials needed to grow and dry beautiful flowers. Learn to make dried flower baskets, bouquets, wreaths, boxes and much more, as fun gifts to share with friends, or to add some lively decoration to your own home!

URMAKARE OCH KLOCKOR I SVERIGE & FINLAND (Watchmakers and Clocks in Sweden & Finland). Historisk Översikt Jämte Förteckning Över Personer Som Verkat Inom Urmakeri och Angränsande Hantverk Före År 1900 (Historic Overview and Index of Craftspeople, Who Were Watchmakers and Craftsmen Before 1900)

Author: Gunnar Pipping, Elis Sidenbladh, and Erik Elfström
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish w/ English summary
Year Published: 1995
No. of pages: 570
Illustrations: 69 Color Illustrations. 265 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound
Size: 11”x 8”
ISBN: 9119332823
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Bios. Index.
Code: 2286

Price: $250.00

What fascinating, intricate, and ornately decorated objects old clocks are! Clockmaking is an art in Sweden that goes back to medieval times. This book features dozens of clocks, from 16th century church tower works to 19th century calendar clocks, grandfather clocks, 18th century gold stopwatches, neo-gothic wall clocks, and more. A comprehensive list of clockmakers and firms that manufacture clocks is provided.

UTOPI (Utopia) Og Virkelighed I det 20. Århundredes Kunsthandværk og Design (Utopia and Reality in 20th Century Applied Arts and Design).

Author: Most, Henrik, Rikke Rosenberg , Bodil Busk Laursen.
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 2015
No. of pages: 72
Illustrations: 65 Color Illustrations. 73 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 12”x 7”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 87075733
Biblio/Bio: Bibl.
Code: 7024

Price: $49.50

Chapters/Essays: Utopias on 20th Century Design and Applied Arts by Henrik Most; Avantgarde and Deconstruktion by Rikke Rosenberg; In Diaglogue with History by Anne-Louise Sommer; Poul Henniingsen stands out by Martin Zerlan; Arne Jacobsen - Form in Motion by Carsten Thau and Kjeld Vinduym; Verner Panton between Dreams, Utopias and Psychedelic Pop by Berit Anne Larsen; The Challenge of the Designer’s Ethics and the Concrete Rooms of Imagination by Mads Nygaard Folkmann.

UUSIA KANSALLISPUKUJA VUORELMALTA (National Finnish Costumes) (New National Costumes from Vuorelma) .

Country: Finland
Language: Finnish
Year Published: 1994
No. of pages: 15
Illustrations: 13 Color Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 12”x 8”
Weight: 0.00
Code: 4343

Price: $19.50

In full page color illustrations, this guide depicts regional Finnish national costumes in all of their grandeur.


Author: Gunnar Lindqvist
Country: Sweden
Language: English/ Swedish
Year Published: 1994
No. of pages: 232
Illustrations: 152 Color Illustrations. 115 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound
Size: 11 1/2”x 10”
Weight: 3.00
ISBN: 9177987965
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Bio. Index.
Code: 1619

Price: $150.00

This stunning and extensive book about Sweden’s foremost contemporary glass artist illuminates the genius of Vallien, whose imaginative faculty is the reason that Sweden remains the best producer of high-grade art glass in the world.