UTOPI (Utopia) Og Virkelighed I det 20. Århundredes Kunsthandværk og Design (Utopia and Reality in 20th Century Applied Arts and Design).

UTOPI (Utopia) Og Virkelighed I det 20. Århundredes Kunsthandværk og Design (Utopia and Reality in 20th Century Applied Arts and Design).

Author: Most, Henrik, Rikke Rosenberg , Bodil Busk Laursen.
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 2015
No. of pages: 72
Illustrations: 65 Color Illustrations. 73 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 12”x 7”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 87075733
Biblio/Bio: Bibl.
Code: 7024

Price: $49.50

Chapters/Essays: Utopias on 20th Century Design and Applied Arts by Henrik Most; Avantgarde and Deconstruktion by Rikke Rosenberg; In Diaglogue with History by Anne-Louise Sommer; Poul Henniingsen stands out by Martin Zerlan; Arne Jacobsen - Form in Motion by Carsten Thau and Kjeld Vinduym; Verner Panton between Dreams, Utopias and Psychedelic Pop by Berit Anne Larsen; The Challenge of the Designer’s Ethics and the Concrete Rooms of Imagination by Mads Nygaard Folkmann.