Folk Tales/Mythology


Author: Sanders, Christopher, ed
Country: Iceland
Language: English/ Icelandic
Year Published: 2001
No. of pages: 399
Binding: Softbound
Size: 9”x 6”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 9979819685
Biblio/Bio: Index.
Code: 5441

Price: $59.50

Here is a medieval prose romance translated from the late 12th century Anglo-Norman epic poem Doeve de Haumtone. The earliest manuscript witness of this saga is a fragment from the middle of the 14th century; the two main medieval manuscripts are dated at c. 1400 and c. 1470. Only manuscripts copied in Iceland have survived, but there is as yet no conclusive evidence as to whether the translation was made in Icleand or Norway, nor is there any strong evidence that could help in narrowing down a date. A separate and significantly different version of the saga was contained in a medieval manuscript that perished in a fire in Stockholm. A paper manuscript of this text fortunately survive and is transcribed in this edition. All the Icelandic texts are presented synoptically on facing pages.


Author: Jones, Gwyn
Country: New York
Language: English
Year Published: 1960
No. of pages: 257
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 6”x 9”
Weight: 1.00
Code: 4038

Price: $14.50

This is the story of a great Icelandic poet-warrior and his numerous adventures. While entertaining in its own exciting way, this book gives a deep and lively insight into medieval Scandinavian history.

GUDER, HELTE & GODTFOLK (Gods, Heroes and the Common Man). Eddadigte og Islandske Sagn (Edda Poems and the Icelandic Myths)

Author: Larsen, Martin. Illustrated by Mogens Zieler
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 1991
No. of pages: 207
Illustrations: 58 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 8”x 5”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8716145720
Code: 3674

Price: $14.50

A modern translation of the Icelandic myths and the EDDA. Martin Larsen has written these with a deep understanding of the material and even though the translation is probably the most daring to date, his deep respect for the cultural heritage of Iceland is clearly apparent in his writing.


Author: Arent, A. Margaret
Country: New York
Language: English
Year Published: 1964
No. of pages: 210
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 7”x 10”
Weight: 2.00
Code: 4044

Price: $29.50

One of the most famous Icelandic sagas, the Laxdoela saga typifies a special genre of 13th century Icelandic narrative prose, the Sagas of the Icelanders. These family histories of Norwegian émigrés of the late 9th and early 10th centuries offer insights into the cultures which fostered them, but the stories themselves are the primary appeal. Themes of fate, vengeance, and morality recur throughout these sagas, also making them an engaging and stimulating reading experience.


Author: Dasent, Sir George Webbe, Translated by
Country: New York
Language: English
Year Published: 2005
No. of pages: 358
Illustrations: 0 Color Illustrations. 0 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 8 1/2”x 5”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 9780486443676
Biblio/Bio: Index.
Code: 2291

Price: $10.95

Based on historical events in Iceland, this saga describes a 50-year feud from its violent beginnings to its tragic end. The narrative is of a world in which justice means vengeance, and centers loosely upon the prophetic Njal Thorgeirsson who, with his family is finally burnt alive in his home by a league of enemies. A spiteful, selfish wife instigates the grim blood feud between the families of two well-to-do Icelandic landowners. As it spirals out of control, the long and costly battle claims lives and property. Widely regarded as the capstone of Icelandic literary achievement, this gripping 13th-century saga documents Viking civic and legal institutions. Includes Iceland chronology.