GUDER, HELTE & GODTFOLK (Gods, Heroes and the Common Man). Eddadigte og Islandske Sagn (Edda Poems and the Icelandic Myths)

GUDER, HELTE & GODTFOLK (Gods, Heroes and the Common Man). Eddadigte og Islandske Sagn (Edda Poems and the Icelandic Myths)

Author: Larsen, Martin. Illustrated by Mogens Zieler
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 1991
No. of pages: 207
Illustrations: 58 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 8”x 5”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8716145720
Code: 3674

Price: $14.50

A modern translation of the Icelandic myths and the EDDA. Martin Larsen has written these with a deep understanding of the material and even though the translation is probably the most daring to date, his deep respect for the cultural heritage of Iceland is clearly apparent in his writing.