Author: Petersen, Steen Estvad
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 2007
No. of pages:
Binding: Hardbound
ISBN: 9788702046205
Code: 6129
Price: $115.00
Steen Estvad Petersen beskriver arkitekturens vandring over landegrænser gennem århundreder - fra land til land, fra kontinent med udgangspunkt i en række spektakulære bygningsværker. Danske arkitektur er i fokus nu mere end nogensinde. Dansk arkitekter på stribe vinder konkurrencer om byggerier over alt i verden, og vice versa udenlandske arkitekter vinder konkurrencer om byggerier i Danmark. Arkitektoniske ideer vandrer frem og tilbage over landegrænserne og har sat sig mange spor før såvel som nu. Et stadig tilbagevendende tema i arkitekturhistorien er: hvor kommer ideerne fra, hvem fik dem og hvad førte dem over store afstande for til sidst at ende hos os? Forfatteren Steen Estvad Petersen har sat sig for at spore denne ideernes vandring, et detektivarbejde der fører ham vidt omkring i verden - fra vikingernes ringborge over middelalderens kirker, renæssancens borge og byplaner, barokkens og romantikkens havekunst og industrialismens arkitektur - til modernismens gennembrud omkring år 1900 og frem til den danske arkitekturkanon 2006.
Author: Flemming Skude
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish/ some English
Year Published: 1992
No. of pages: 164
Illustrations: 59 Color Illustrations. 70 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 10”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 8789537211
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Index.
Code: 0905
Price: $34.50
Minimalism, Postmodernism, New Age and eight other international architectural genres are described with text and color illustrations.
Author: Christina Engfors, ed
Country: Sweden
Language: English
Year Published: 1990
No. of pages: 148
Illustrations: 3 Color Illustrations. 55 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound
Size: 10”sq
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 9186050273
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Index.
Code: 0113
Price: $75.00
A unique and profound portrait of one of the most significant architects of the century. Through nearly forty interviews with Asplund, we get to know his personality and methods of work which are not touched upon in numerous other publications about him.
Author: Gustav Holmdahl, Sven Ivar Lind, Kjell Ödeen, eds
Country: Sweden
Language: English
Year Published: 1981
No. of pages: 240
Illustrations: 14 Color Illustrations. 240 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound
Size: 11”x 9”
Weight: 3.00
ISBN: 9185194220
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh. Index.
Code: 0112
Price: $95.00
What was not lost in 1941 of Asplund’s work, is here assessed and reproduced in part, paying homage to one of Sweden’s leading architects, whose close contact with nature influenced much of his work. Richly illustrated with drawings, renderings and photographs. This book was originally published in 1950.
Author: Adams, Nicholas
Country: Pennsylvania
Language: English
Year Published: 2014
No. of pages: 262
Illustrations: 0 Color Illustrations. 153 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound with Jacket
Size: 9 “ x 10”
Weight: 4.00
ISBN: 9780271059846
Biblio/Bio: Index. Bibl.
Code: 6990
Price: $95.00
In Gunnar Asplund’s Gothenburg, Nicholas Adams places Asplund’s building in the wider context of public architecture between the wars, setting the originality and sensitivity of Asplund’s conception against the political and architectural struggles of the 1930’s. Today, looking at the building in the broadest of contexts, we can appreciate the richness of this exquisite work of architecture. This book recaptures the complex magic of its creation and the fascinating controversy of its completed form. Includes extensive notes.