ASPLUND, GUNNAR ARCHITECT 1885 - 1940: Plans, Sketches and Photographs.

ASPLUND, GUNNAR ARCHITECT 1885 - 1940: Plans, Sketches and Photographs.

Author: Gustav Holmdahl, Sven Ivar Lind, Kjell Ödeen, eds
Country: Sweden
Language: English
Year Published: 1981
No. of pages: 240
Illustrations: 14 Color Illustrations. 240 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound
Size: 11”x 9”
Weight: 3.00
ISBN: 9185194220
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh. Index.
Code: 0112

Price: $95.00

What was not lost in 1941 of Asplund’s work, is here assessed and reproduced in part, paying homage to one of Sweden’s leading architects, whose close contact with nature influenced much of his work. Richly illustrated with drawings, renderings and photographs. This book was originally published in 1950.