ZORN I SVART OCH VITT (Zorn in Black and White). Anders Zorn som etsare, tecknare och fotograf (Anders Zorn’s Etchings, Drawings and Photographs)/

ZORN I SVART OCH VITT (Zorn in Black and White). Anders Zorn som etsare, tecknare och fotograf (Anders Zorn’s Etchings, Drawings and Photographs)/

Author: Arkö, Jordi, Karl Haskel, Lena Johannesson, Birgitta Sandström
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 2002
No. of pages: 242
Illustrations: 6 & 201 Sepia Color Illustrations. 28 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound with Jacket
Size: 10”x 9”
Weight: 3.00
ISBN: 9197432903
Code: 4807

Price: $110.00

A book on a talented and international artist who is most known for his sketches throughout France, Germany, USA and Sweden. He had a special way of working with the etching needle seperating the light from the darkness in his black and white drawings. Four authors give their opinion and perspective on the multi-talented Swedish artist, Anders Zorn.