ZORN OCH ORIENTEN (Zorn and the Orient).

ZORN OCH ORIENTEN (Zorn and the Orient).

Author: Sandström, Birgitta
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 2000
No. of pages: 45
Illustrations: 33 Color Illustrations. 13 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 9 1/2”x 7”
Weight: 0.00
ISBN: 9197251984
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh. Bibl.
Code: 4473

Price: $19.50

An informative, small catalogue devoted to Zorn’s captivating paintings of the Orient. After his first trip to Tangier in 1882, Zorn became mesmerized by these cultures. This catalogue is divided into sections regarding his inspiring experiences in Tangier, Constantinople, Algeria, as well as his later contact with the Orient. These stunning paintings depicted here truly confirm his stature as an international artist of immeasurable talent.