DUBUFFET, JEAN 1901-1985. Maleri og Skulptur/ Maalauksia ja veistoksia (Painting and Sculpture)

DUBUFFET, JEAN 1901-1985. Maleri og Skulptur/ Maalauksia ja veistoksia (Painting and Sculpture)

Author: Stabelle, Annette, ed
Country: Norway
Language: Norwegian/ Finnish/ English
Year Published: 1989
No. of pages: 104
Illustrations: 12 Color Illustrations. 33 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 10”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 1.00
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh.
Code: 4821

Price: $12.50

Dubuffet, who died in 1985, was one of the innovators in the field of modern art. He is without doubt one of the artists who have been of greatest significance to the renewal of visual arts after the second World War, and his contribution to spontaneous abstract art is appreciated to a high degree- not least by a Scandinavian public.