COPPER, MARKUS. Ars Fennica Prize 1999

COPPER, MARKUS. Ars Fennica Prize 1999

Author: Hannula, Mika
Country: Denmark
Language: Finnish, English, German
Year Published: 1999
No. of pages: 104
Illustrations: 73 Color Illustrations. 8 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 12 1/2”x 10”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 951965867X
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh. Bio.
Code: 4466

Price: $49.50

The Ars Fennica Award, awarded to Markus Copper in 1999, recognizes high standards of creative work and originality in the visual arts. In speaking about the recipient, Saskia Bos states that this “young and tumultuous artist who is driven by a need to understand the world has to make things himself in order to grasp it better. . . his heavy-handed and sometimes rough sculptures speak to the other senses; they speak of inner fears about refined technologies that we cannot control, about animal urges and mythologies that continue to haunt us in dreams, in books, in movies....”