TESSIN, NICODEMUS THE YOUNGER. Sources Works Collections/ Catalogue des Livres, Estampes & Desseins du Cabinet des Beaux Arts, & des Sciences appartenant au Baron Tessin, Stockholm 1712 (Catalogue of Books, Prints & Drawings of the Academy of Beaux-Arts & Sciences, collected by Baron Tessin)

TESSIN, NICODEMUS THE YOUNGER. Sources Works Collections/ Catalogue des Livres, Estampes & Desseins du Cabinet des Beaux Arts, & des Sciences appartenant au Baron Tessin, Stockholm 1712 (Catalogue of Books, Prints & Drawings of the Academy of Beaux-Arts & Sciences, collected by Baron Tessin)

Author: Bjurström, Per and Mårten Snickare
Country: Sweden
Language: English/ French
Year Published: 2000
No. of pages: 278
Illustrations: 13 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound w/ jacket
Size: 12”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 3.00
ISBN: 9171006281
Biblio/Bio: Index. Cat. of exh.
Code: 4351

Price: $250.00

Nicodemus Tessin the Younger was one of the great European architects of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. His whole career, however, was limited to his native country Sweden. This edition of the catalogue of his collection, the first edition of a grand series entitled “Catalogue des Livres, Estampes & Desseins,” intends to finally introduce Tessin to a foreign public. Following an interfoliated, facsimile of the catalogue, this edition also includes extracts of Tessin’s letters to his son, expressing his wishes for later collections.