GUIDE TILL DESIGN AF IDENTITET (Guide to the Designing of Identity). At Skabe og Vedligeholde Forandring Via Identitet (To Create and Maintain Change Via Identity)

GUIDE TILL DESIGN AF IDENTITET (Guide to the Designing of Identity). At Skabe og Vedligeholde Forandring Via Identitet (To Create and Maintain Change Via Identity)

Author: Olins, Wally
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 2000
No. of pages: 90
Illustrations: 22 Color Illustrations. 49 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 9 1/2”x 8”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8790904095
Code: 4874

Price: $69.50

What is identity? An exploration of all aspects of designing an identity, as both a marketing strategy and a tactical tool. This comprehensive guide, written by design pioneer Olins, addresses topics such as an identity’s constituents, function, creation, and implementation.