ARNOLDI, PER - 100 PLAKATER ETC. (100 Posters etc.).

ARNOLDI, PER - 100 PLAKATER ETC. (100 Posters etc.).

Author: Finsen, Hanne
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish/ English
Year Published: 1995
No. of pages: 112
Illustrations: 57 Color Illustrations. 11 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 12”x 9”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 8788692116
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh. Bio.
Code: 3702

Price: $49.50

Arnoldi has created several hundred posters and is today regarded as one of the great masters in this field. The poster has its own rules. It must convey to the viewer a message as directly and convincingly as possible, quite often forced to assert itself in large public spaces, in streets, squares and railway stations. Thus, everything in the picture must be clearly defined and easy to comprehend. Accordingly, Arnoldi’s poster work reveals an endeavor for maximum concentration of form and color which gradually leads to the sublimely obvious and simple. Arnoldi has maintained a clear, human and unpretentious form which makes him universally recognizable.