BØRNETØJ (Children’s Clothes) 6 • 12 • 18 Måneder (6 • 12 • 18 Months).

BØRNETØJ (Children’s Clothes) 6 • 12 • 18 Måneder (6 • 12 • 18 Months).

Author: Fog, Betty
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 1994
No. of pages: 60
Illustrations: 27 Color Illustrations. 44 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 9”x 9 1/2”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8777213998
Code: 4214

Price: $45.00

This book includes instructions and patterns for babies and young children with sizes 68-80-92, that generally fit children from 6-18 months. Patterns are simple and easy, and the detailed instructions explain how to make pants, shorts, shirts, skirts, jackets, and much more. All models are displayed in full color illustrations and more detailed drawings, also with a large pull-out sewing pattern.