RUMMET I ØJET (The Space in the Eye). Stereogrammers Virkning og Konstruktion (Stereogram’s Effect and Construction)

RUMMET I ØJET (The Space in the Eye). Stereogrammers Virkning og Konstruktion (Stereogram’s Effect and Construction)

Author: Holm, Michael, Nils Lykke, and Steffen Toksvig
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 1994
No. of pages: 48
Illustrations: 45 Color Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 8 1/2”x 10 1/2”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8700204889
Biblio/Bio: Bibl.
Code: 4208

Price: $14.50

Stereograms, in this book, are computer-generated kaleidoscopic images that, although flat, give the impression of solidity or relief. Though they have existed for 150 years, with the help of computers, they have now emerged in a new form as they produce the same effect on the viewer without the need for special viewing devices. These captivating images have a brilliant alluring quality that force you to “see” in a new way. In great detail and with exquisite illustrations, this book- written by an architect, a graphic artist, and a civil engineer- explains the intrigue behind stereograms by charting their history and describing how and why they work.