TRANSITIONS. Space in the Dispersed City

TRANSITIONS. Space in the Dispersed City

Author: Juel-Christiansen, Carsten & Gilbert Hansen
Country: Denmark
Language: English
Year Published: 2000
No. of pages: 224
Illustrations: 41 Color Illustrations. 90 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 11”x 9 1/2”
Weight: 3.00
ISBN: 8798728040
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh.
Code: 4198

Price: $95.00

This book constitutes an extended, in-depth catalog of the Danish contribution to the 7th international Architectural Biennale. A truly impressive catalog that explores the role of architectural coherence, spatial quality and human dignity in the design of a city. With the spread of large-scale enterprise, cities are now experiencing the onslaught of standardization. However, this book focuses on the transitions between such areas as these transitions are charged with urban architectonic potential. They contain an openness because they are situated on the periphery of the administrative and economic systems. This magnificent book contains articles by the likes of Michel Foucault, Vittorio Gregotti, and Louis I. Kahn, as well as recommendations by nine renowned architects, each of whom attempt to resolve this collective assignment about the potentiality of transitions.