Dahl, F.G.A.: KUNGL. BIBLIOTEKET (The Royal Library). Byggnaden & Samlingarna (The Building and the Collection)

Dahl, F.G.A.: KUNGL. BIBLIOTEKET (The Royal Library). Byggnaden & Samlingarna (The Building and the Collection)

Author: Burius, Anders, Göran Bäärnhielm, Ulla Ehrensvärd, et. al., eds
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 1998
No. of pages: 165
Illustrations: 70 Color Illustrations. 22 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound w/ jacket
Size: 11”x 9”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 9179881238
Code: 3841

Price: $89.50

The famous Royal Library of Sweden was started during the 1500s with the Royal Collection at the castle Tre Kronor (Three Crowns). This collection grew rapidly during the 1600s due to Queen Christina’s penchant for collecting and by Sweden’s numerous acquisitions during the war. Though many of the most valuable hand-written manuscripts and books were damaged in the fire of 1697, the collections grew again in the 1800s, necessitating the opening of the new library at Humlegården. This technically advanced building was designed by the young architect F.G.A. Dahl. During the 1900s, the size of the collection outgrew the building once again and in 1993 to 1995, two enormous underground storage facilites resolved this problem. This comprehensive and beautiful book documents the complex evolution of this reputable institution while also including detailed information about the wealth of manuscripts, prints, maps, and pictures contained within.