CONGRADUATED 98. An Exhibition of Graduate Work from England, Denmark, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Japan

CONGRADUATED 98. An Exhibition of Graduate Work from England, Denmark, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Japan

Author: Sahl-Madsen, Charlotte and Sandra Blach eds
Country: Denmark
Language: English/ Danish
Year Published: 1998
No. of pages: 55
Illustrations: 32 Color Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 8 1/2”sq
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8789975405
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh. Bios.
Code: 3964

Price: $55.00

A remarkable international exhibition at the Glasmuseum devoted to the newly graduated, energetic, and experimenting glass artists. The fascinating combination of materials in these works is indicative of young artists.