SEVRES ET LES CINQ SENS (Sèvres and the Five Senses).

SEVRES ET LES CINQ SENS (Sèvres and the Five Senses).

Author: Nordenfalk, Carl
Country: Sweden
Language: French/ Swedish summary
Year Published: 1984
No. of pages: 120
Illustrations: 13 Color Illustrations. 55 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 8 1/2”x 7”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 9171002642
Biblio/Bio: Index.
Code: 3798

Price: $19.50

Documenting the appearance of the five senses in art from the Middle Ages until the present, the author focuses on the production of Sèvres porcelain during the Restoration period of the 18th century. Due to the overwhelming amount of material that depict the senses in art, this book does not attempt to do justice to this topic. However, this small book provides surprising insight into the desire of artists from this time to aptly capture the range of sensory experience on media as varied as porcelain sculpture, dinnerware, lamps, paintings, drawings, and lithographs.