DANMARK ØERNES LAND (Denmark the Island Country).

DANMARK ØERNES LAND (Denmark the Island Country).

Author: Andersen, John Roth
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 1986
No. of pages: 144
Illustrations: 190 Color Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 10 1/2”x 8”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 8789005007
Code: 2617

Price: $14.50

There are nearly 600 islands in Denmark. This book takes you on a photographic journey to many of them, and includes aerial shots as well as close-ups of the many beautiful sights that await you: castles, cottages with turf roofs, marshes and meadows and strands, graceful bridges, fishing boats, and much more. This book gives you an excellent impression of the seas and open skies that characterize the landscape of Demark.