BLEKINGEDRÄKTEN (The Blekinge Costume). Inventeringsberättelse Rörande Kvinnornas Folkliga Dräktskick (Description of Women’s Costume Tradition)

BLEKINGEDRÄKTEN (The Blekinge Costume). Inventeringsberättelse Rörande Kvinnornas Folkliga Dräktskick (Description of Women’s Costume Tradition)

Author: Ingrid Dahlin
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 1937
No. of pages: 74
Illustrations: 34 Color Illustrations. 22 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 8 1/2”x 6”
Weight: 1.00
Code: 2377

Price: $19.50

This book looks at the traditional costume of the Southern Swedish province of Blekinge, featuring all parts of the woman’s dress: the cap, the apron, the vest, the shoes, the socks, and jewelry and including the bridal crown and accompaniments. The garments are decorated with exquisite embroidery, which is beautifully illustrated, mostly in color in this fine little book.