Christensen, Finn: PÅ LYSETS PREMISSER (This is about Light). Finn Christensen’s Billedverden (Finn Christensen’s Picture World)

Christensen, Finn: PÅ LYSETS PREMISSER (This is about Light). Finn Christensen’s Billedverden (Finn Christensen’s Picture World)

Author: Per Bang and Paul Grøtvedt
Country: Norway
Language: Norwegian
Year Published: 1995
No. of pages: 152
Illustrations: 59 Color Illustrations. 18 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 11”x9”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 8202148227
Biblio/Bio: Bio.
Code: 2400

Price: $90.00

This is a beautiful book about the work of the acclaimed Norwegian artist Finn Christensen, who creates remarkable paintings, in both abstract and figurative modes. They are reproduced here in vivid colors. Also featured are splendid works of stained glass, and wall mosaics made from tile and metal. These wall sculptures are part of major commissions for corporations, hospitals, schools and churches.