BLOMSTEDT, P. E. (1900-1935) ARKKITEHTI (Architecture).

BLOMSTEDT, P. E. (1900-1935) ARKKITEHTI (Architecture).

Author: Elina Standertskjöld
Country: Finland
Language: Finnish w/ English summary and captions
Year Published: 1996
No. of pages: 111
Illustrations: 10 Color Illustrations. 55 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 7 1/2”x 9”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 9519229906
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Bio.
Code: 2197

Price: $39.50

Blomstedt’s all too short career displayed his great ties to functionalism, but his work also reveals elements of mannerism, expressionism, and rationalism. He reached his peak from about 1924-35, a time of searching for a new style and the re-evaluation of old world forms. Blomstedt is most famous for his design of the Tampere Railway Station, but he also designed churches, factories, hotels, banks, office buildings, and housing complexes, many of which are featured in this book.