DEKORATIV MÅLNING (Decorative Painting). Marmorering, Ådring, Schablonmålning (Marbleling, Imitation Wood Grain and Painting with Stencils)

DEKORATIV MÅLNING (Decorative Painting). Marmorering, Ådring, Schablonmålning (Marbleling, Imitation Wood Grain and Painting with Stencils)

Author: Pontus Tunander
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 1988
No. of pages: 160
Illustrations: 104 Color Illustrations. 21 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 10”x 7”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 9153415841
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Index.
Code: 2929

Price: $49.50

The art of stencil painting on furniture and marbling techniques is still very much alive in Scandinavia, and this book is very exact in how to achieve the effects of various natural materials and trompe-l’oeil effects in this stylized way. It is very comprehensive both in text and illustration with full page color pictures of any woodgrain or marble, you could ever think of painting. With an historical introduction, and close-up photos of the techniques.