Author: Erik Ellegaard Frederiksen, Niels Kryger, Vibeke Lassen Nielsen, eds
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish/ English
Year Published: 1996
No. of pages: 180
Illustrations: 53 Color Illustrations. 74 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound with Jacket
Size: 8”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 8787385503
Code: 2539

Price: $85.00

This book gives an introduction to a work that was almost symbolically tied to the railway by possessing, like the railway itself, force, direction and goal. At the same time this book also paints a picture of the many other sides to Jens Nielsen, co-founder of the Danish Design Council, one of the creative forces behind the design of the DSB, (Danish State Railways), and the IC3 train. He is an an inspiring leader for the technicians, craftsmen, and artists who developed these projects. Through his work, Jens Nielsen linked management, quality, and design. He debated and inspired. He collected and coordinated. He secured unity and harmony. He made things happen.