JOHANSSON, WILLY OG HADELAND GLASSVERK (Willy Johansson and Gadeland Glassworks).

JOHANSSON, WILLY OG HADELAND GLASSVERK (Willy Johansson and Gadeland Glassworks).

Author: Albert Steen
Country: Norway
Language: Norwegian/ English
Year Published: 1984
No. of pages: 72
Illustrations: 7 Color Illustrations. 13 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 7 1/2”x 5”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8271430211
Biblio/Bio: Bio. Bibl.
Code: 2322

Price: $19.50

This concise, easy-to-read, and informative publication explains why Willy Johansson is the driving force behind the centuries old Hadeland Glassworks in Norway. While working as a designer at Hadeland, Willy Johansson received many awards, some of which include a Diploma d’Honneure for his sensitively shaped vases, and a gold medal at the Triennale in 1957. Willy Johansson collaborated with his father to produce K-glass. Johansson’s trademark is the large whole form, with a firm sense of proportion in vases, bowls, and dishes.