FRA BORD TIL BORD (From Table to Table).

FRA BORD TIL BORD (From Table to Table).

Author: Steen, Albert
Country: Norway
Language: Norwegian
Year Published: 1988
No. of pages: 80
Illustrations: 4 Color Illustrations. 124 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 8”x 5 1/2”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8270030813
Biblio/Bio: Bibl.
Code: 2635

Price: $29.50

The table is the focus of family-oriented furniture, a basic and crucial adjunct to meals and related social intercourse. Here is a history of tables, from very primitive, rough wooden boards used in peasant households to the gilded and incredibly fine carving of decorative Rococo tables, from stark postmodern Italian and Scandinavian table designs to a fragile Louis XVIth secretary. Also game tables and exquisite sewing tables are featured, all made in Norway. Included are tables designed by Bruno Mathsson, Piet Hein and Finn Bryn.