BOKEN OM HERREBØE FAJANSENE (The Book about the Herrebøe Faience).

BOKEN OM HERREBØE FAJANSENE (The Book about the Herrebøe Faience).

Author: Laurtiz Opstad
Country: Norway
Language: Norwegian
Year Published: 1992
No. of pages: 159
Illustrations: 23 Color Illustrations. 117 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 10 1/2”x 8”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 8270031135
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Index.
Code: 2653

Price: $45.00

Here are many exquisite objects from Norway’s Herrebøe Fajance Manufactory, ornate, formal blue and white, painted with overglaze. This is more than a book for the porcelain lover - it will be a valuable resource for the collector, as it provides complete information on marks, and the dimensions and provenance of the porcelain.