GAMMELT NORSK STENTØY FRA EGERSUND (Old Norwegian Stoneware from Egersund).

GAMMELT NORSK STENTØY FRA EGERSUND (Old Norwegian Stoneware from Egersund).

Author: Randi Gaustad
Country: Norway
Language: Norwegian
Year Published: 1980
No. of pages: 80
Illustrations: 4 Color Illustrations. 113 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 8”x 5 1/2”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8270030775
Biblio/Bio: Bibl.
Code: 2634

Price: $39.50

This book offers a history of Norway’s Egersund’s stoneware manufactury, with an abundance of examples of the beautiful objects produced there in the 19th century. Whether distinctive blue and white patterns in the Chinese style, or exquisitely painted with floral designs, each object is identified and described. There is also a useful list of marks, making this book a valuable resource for the collector.