Willumsen, J.F.: KATALOGBOG J.F. WILLUMSENS MUSEUM (Catalgue of J.F.Willumsen’s Museum).

Willumsen, J.F.: KATALOGBOG J.F. WILLUMSENS MUSEUM (Catalgue of J.F.Willumsen’s Museum).

Author: Krogh, Leila
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 1986
No. of pages: 90
Illustrations: 15 Color Illustrations. 161 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 8”sq
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8798036297
Biblio/Bio: Bio. Bibl. Cat. of exh.
Code: 0520

Price: $49.50

Catalogue for the J.F. Willumsen (1863-1958) museum of the same name. This great colorist was part of a group of artists in Brittany including Gauguin painting among other subjects the Breton women with their characteristic white head dress. Willumsen worked 3 dimensionally in stone, bronze, clay and wood. His work is wonderfully mysterious and imaginative mostly with a figurative element.