LARSSON, JEG: CARL (I: Carl Larsson). En Bog om det Gode og det Onde. (A Book about the Good and the Bad.)

LARSSON, JEG: CARL (I: Carl Larsson). En Bog om det Gode og det Onde. (A Book about the Good and the Bad.)

Author: Vagn Steen, ed. Foreword by Poul Erik Tøjner
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 1991
No. of pages: 181
Illustrations: 73 Color Illustrations. 59 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound
Size: 10 1/2”x 8”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 8777390288
Biblio/Bio: Index.
Code: 0492

Price: $39.50

Carl Larsson, loved by people around the world. This is Larsson’s autobiography, published posthumously from his papers and writing in Swedish in 1931. The progress of his life, his family and his career is thoroughly illustrated with his own art, which if course lends itself by its nature to describing the neighbours and domestic life around him. He sketches out his life from beginning to end, including his life’s body of work and his relationships with other artists at the time, like Zorn and Liljefors. Also a thorough account of his wife Karin Larsson.