Svanberg, Max Walter: DOKUMENTATION ÖVER UTVECKLINGEN IN I DEN MAANGTYDIGT BLOMMANDE OCH PROGRESSIVT CHOCKANDE IMAGINISMEN, MAX WALTER SVANBERG (Documentation regarding the development of the diversification in the flourishing and progressive, shocking imagination, Max Walter Svanberg).

Svanberg, Max Walter: DOKUMENTATION ÖVER UTVECKLINGEN IN I DEN MAANGTYDIGT BLOMMANDE OCH PROGRESSIVT CHOCKANDE IMAGINISMEN, MAX WALTER SVANBERG (Documentation regarding the development of the diversification in the flourishing and progressive, shocking imagination, Max Walter Svanberg).

Author: Foreword by Eje Högestätt. Text by Max Walter Svanberg and Andre Breton
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish/ French
Year Published: 1979
No. of pages: 192
Illustrations: 39 Color Illustrations. 79 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 8”x 6”
Weight: 1.00
Biblio/Bio: Bio. Cat. of exh. Index.
Code: 0692

Price: $75.00

The exciting Swedish artist, Max Walter Svanberg (1912-1994)s infatuation with women shows in his poetry and very sensuous paintings.Documentation regarding the development of the diversification in the flourishing and progressive, shocking imagination, Max Walter Svanberg