DEBRÉ, OLIVIER. Debre and Lærdal (Debré og Lærdal (Debré et Lærdal)

DEBRÉ, OLIVIER. Debre and Lærdal (Debré og Lærdal (Debré et Lærdal)

Author: Haaken A. Christensen
Country: Norway
Language: English/French/Norwegian
Year Published: 1991
No. of pages: 118
Illustrations: 60 Color Illustrations. 12 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 10” sq
ISBN: 82091064732
Biblio/Bio: Bio.
Code: 0590

Price: $95.00

The great French painter Olivier Debré has been a frequent guest in Norway. He paints in a lyrical-abstract style, which strongly connects to nature. This book presents the artist and his relationship to the breathtaking scenery of western Norway.