KIRKESKIBE (Church Ships). I Danmark og de Tidligere Hertugdømmer Slesvig og Holsten (In Denmark and the Former Parts of Denmark, Schlesvig and Holstein) En Billedbog (A Picture Book)

KIRKESKIBE (Church Ships). I Danmark og de Tidligere Hertugdømmer Slesvig og Holsten (In Denmark and the Former Parts of Denmark, Schlesvig and Holstein) En Billedbog (A Picture Book)

Author: Elisabeth and Henning Henningsen
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: no year
No. of pages: 128
Illustrations: 59 Color Illustrations. 23 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 11”x 10”
Weight: 2.00
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Index.
Code: 0941

Price: $45.00

Full- page, color photographs of something very unique to Denmark: CHURCH SHIPS. These ships are each made by hand in a very intricate way. They look like miniature grand schooners of a past era. Local craftspeople would make a ship and hang it in the church, so the congregation could think of the captain or other ship’s personnel from the town, while in church for the service. In this way they could pray for the seafarers. These ships have every part which a large ship would have, all the masts, the sails, the figurehead, the bow, the stern and beautiful carvings and painted decorations. Each ship is photographed, some have detailed drawings and a detailed description of the ship’s maker, place, year, size, material and all the names of the different parts of the ship. Includes detailed map with locations of all 51 ships.