KABAKOV, ILYA: 5 ALBUMS. Installation Operation Room (Mother and Son)

KABAKOV, ILYA: 5 ALBUMS. Installation Operation Room (Mother and Son)

Author: Ilya Kabakov
Country: Finland
Language: Finnish/ Norwegian/ English/ Russian
Year Published: 1994
No. of pages: 231
Illustrations: 222 Color Illustrations. 10 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound
Size: 12”x 10”
Weight: 4.00
ISBN: 9514788354
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh. Bio. Bibl.
Code: 1320

Price: $150.00

Russian artist Ilya Kabakov has participated in all the major surveys of western art, such as those at the Carnegie International in Pittsburgh, the Kassel Documenta, and the Venice Biennale. In addition, he has constructed installations in art museums and galleries around the world. Many works of fine illustration by this bold, versatile artist are displayed here.