Pedersen, Carl-Henning: LIKE THE GREAT VAULT OF HEAVEN RIBE DOMKIRKE (RIBE CATHEDRAL). Som himlens store hvælv; Ribe Domkirke

Pedersen, Carl-Henning: LIKE THE GREAT VAULT OF HEAVEN RIBE DOMKIRKE (RIBE CATHEDRAL). Som himlens store hvælv; Ribe Domkirke

Author: Ramson, Sidsel
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish/English
Year Published: 1988
No. of pages: 178
Illustrations: 83 Color Illustrations. 47 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Clothbound with Jacket
Size: 11 1/2”x 10”
Weight: 3.00
ISBN: 8741884035
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh.
Code: 7173

Price: $130.00

This book shows the historical background of Ribe Domkirke and the Danish COBRA artist Carl-Henning Pedersen (1913-2007) mosaic work for this historical building in the Hanseatic town of Ribe on the North Sea facing England. "It took Carl-Henning Pedersen four winters to complete the choir's decoration in Ribe Cathedral. I have followed Henning with my camera during this work when the choir's vault was painted and the seven mosaics were created. artists' creative process.It is therefore quite natural to gather this material into a book - try to give an overview of the decoration as a whole and of its creation. The posterity must consider this decoration in a historical light. It's not my job - just to give a little glimpse of an artist's creative energy and devotion to his work.It has been exciting and insightful up close to follow the creative process, and it is with great pleasure that I have undertaken to organize and "create" this book.This book is dedicated to Carl-Henning Pedersen", Sidsel Ramson