EX-SKOLEN. Eksperiment Kunst Skole

EX-SKOLEN. Eksperiment Kunst Skole

Author: Andersen Troels
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 2010
No. of pages: 72
Illustrations: 65 Color Illustrations. 83 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 10 1/2”x 8”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 9788792307088
Biblio/Bio: Cat. of exh.
Code: 6936

Price: $29.50

Poul Gernes and art historian Troels Andersen founded in 1961 an alternative to the Academy of Arts, the so-called Ex-school. For the Founders the Academy represented an outdated, elitist view of art, and they introduced an art school free of entrance examinations and constricting traditions. There was still taught, among other graphics and materials science, but the didactic teacher was replaced by collective expression. Segregation between high and mass culture - exhibition space and urban space - should be repealed and art had to admit on its social function in society. Ex-school was thus a learning by doing approach to the creative process, and this experimentation and curiosity challenged the idea of the artwork as something subjective, exalted and forever.