LARSSON, KARIN. och blommorna i Sundborn (and the Flowers in Sundborn)

LARSSON, KARIN. och blommorna i Sundborn (and the Flowers in Sundborn)

Author: Högardh-Ihr, Christina
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 2008
No. of pages: 156
Illustrations: 155 Color Illustrations. 29 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 11”x 7 1/2”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 9789113027890
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Bios. Cat. of exh.
Code: 6527

Price: $45.00

Interviews with relatives and grandchildren, Karin's letters and Carl Larsson's own texts form the basis for this book, in which paintings, illustrations, old photographs and fresh environmental and plant photos complete the picture of Karin Larsson's life in Sundborn. Includes extensive list of wildflowers in Swedish, English and Latin at Lille Hyttnäs in 2008.