Author: Pennington, Lis; Oursler, Tony; Lønstrup, Ansa; Amy, Michael
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish/English
Year Published: 2012
No. of pages: 128
Illustrations: Richly Illustrated Color Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 9 3/4x 8
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 9788792184177
Biblio/Bio: Bio. Cat. of exh.
Code: 6848

Price: $49.50

With Tony Oursler’s singular, almost living objects, we are presented with an untraditional exhibition of video art focusing on the interaction between public and work. Face to Face takes the visitor along on a remarkable expedition in the spirit of Alice in Wonderland, who is suddenly and unexpectedly drawn through a deep hole to emerge in a world in which everything can happen.  We can be captured by the clinical interior of the exhibition in which white corridors lead visitors into a world of completely crazy, disturbingly amusing and fantastically impressive video installations. The staging of the exhibition mimics Oursler’s two-sided and slightly schizophrenic universe by being constructed in the form of a labyrinth in two sections. One section has twisting passageways clad with clinically white vinyl, rather like a mutated padded cell, while the other section is a dark but stringent labyrinth hiding fantastic secrets and reminiscent of a cross between a garden labyrinth and a rat laboratory. The catalogue in full color has an intriguing format and exciting cover.