BØGGILD, MOGENS PÅ THORVALDSENS MUSEUM z( Mogens Bøggild at Thorvaldsen’s Museum).

BØGGILD, MOGENS PÅ THORVALDSENS MUSEUM z( Mogens Bøggild at Thorvaldsen’s Museum).

Author: Gelius, William, Miss, Stig
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 2013
No. of pages: 110
Illustrations: 63 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 10x8
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 9788775211302
Biblio/Bio: Index. Bio.
Code: 6821

Price: $39.50

Mogens Bøggilds (1901-1987) many sculptures of animals and humans are the result of thorough nature studies, there are numerous drawings and clay models behind the finished works that appear as precise and as snapshots of the living life in motion.