Author: Cohen, Peter and Olof Landström
Country: Sweden
Language: English
Year Published: 2003
No. of pages: 28
Illustrations: 30 Color Illustrations. 0 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound with Jacket
Size: 10”x 8”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 9129659426
Code: 6250

Price: $9.50

One evening when Boris is watching television, he notices that the picure looks blurry. The repairman who comes over tells him what the problem is, Boris’s eyesight. A trip to the eye doctor confirms the diagnosis-Boris is an astigmatic. How important this sounds! When he gets his glasses, a whole new world unveils itself to him. Boris decides to get a job with his “talent” and starts work at the radio factory as a foreman. However, nothing turns out as Boris expects in this sweet picture book.