12 TRÅDGÅRDAR (12 Gardens).

12 TRÅDGÅRDAR (12 Gardens).

Author: Nordfjell, Ulf. Photography by Jerry Harpur
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 2006
No. of pages: 192
Illustrations: 175 Color Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 11”x 9”
Weight: 3.00
ISBN: 9789151850436
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Bios. Cat. of exh. Index.
Code: 6235

Price: $59.50

Ulf Nordfjell’s architecturally designed gardens have been widely publicised both in Sweden and abroad. Here he shares his extensive knowledge about garden architecture and design, about the choice of plants and about the relationship to the surrounding nature. Ulf Nordfjell’s portrait of the twelve gardens and Jerry Harpur’s photographs make this an exceptional garden book.