2+1 ANITIKKE SMYKKER, LAMPER OG MASKER I THORVALDSENS MUSEUM (2+1 Antique Jewelry, Lamps and Masks in Thorvaldsen’s Museum).

2+1 ANITIKKE SMYKKER, LAMPER OG MASKER I THORVALDSENS MUSEUM (2+1 Antique Jewelry, Lamps and Masks in Thorvaldsen’s Museum).

Author: Melander, Torben
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year Published: 2006
No. of pages: 111
Illustrations: 64 Color Illustrations. 1 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 9”x 5”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8775211122
Biblio/Bio: Index. Cat. of exh. Bibl.
Code: 6430

Price: $59.50

This book deals with jewelry, lamps and masks in antiquity on the basis of Thorvaldsen's collections. The first part of the book is all about jewelry. It deals with Thorvaldsen's collection of jewelry and ornaments in antiquity. Thorvaldsen's jewelry collection includes primarily a large collection of carved signet and gemstones. The second part of the book deals with lamps. It highlights particular aspects of the Roman lamp culture. This part of the book also discusses the lamps in ancient literature, tells of tales of sex scenes and looks at the lamp's function and form. The last part is about masks. This section tells about Medusa masks, masks with river god Acheloos, masks belonging to pastoral and rural life, and theatrical masks. The book is published in connection with an exhibition at Thorvaldsen's Museum, and ends with a catalog of the exhibits - with data, descriptions and literature references.