BIENNALEN FOR KUNSTHÅNDVÆRK & DESIGN 2009 (The Biennale for Applied Arts & Design 2009).

BIENNALEN FOR KUNSTHÅNDVÆRK & DESIGN 2009 (The Biennale for Applied Arts & Design 2009).

Author: Blomster, Paula, Fletcher, Kate, Fluri, Martin, et al
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish/English
Year Published: 2009
No. of pages: 80
Illustrations: 55 Color Illustrations. 0 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 13”x 8 1/2”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 9788772695501
Biblio/Bio: Bibl. Bios. Index. Cat. of exh.
Code: 6426

Price: $29.50

The Biennale for Craft and Design takes place during the same year as the UN’s Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen. Consequently, we felt that it would be interesting to choose sustainablity as the theme for the 2009 Biennale. Not only because it is a topic that concerns us all, but also because it seems obvious to us that the disciplines of design and craft provide essential input for the development of better ways of managing earth’s resources in the future. Includes ceramic art, tapestries, furniture design and more.