ZORN, ANDERS OCH MUSIKEN (Anders Zorn and the Music).

ZORN, ANDERS OCH MUSIKEN (Anders Zorn and the Music).

Author: Ramsten, Märta och Ternhag, Gunnar
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Year Published: 2006
No. of pages: 224
Illustrations: 22 Color Illustrations. 53 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 8”x 9”
Weight: 2.00
ISBN: 9197432954
Biblio/Bio: Bio. Index. Cat. of exh. Bibl.
Code: 6031

Price: $125.00

Music was a very important part of Anders Zorn’s life in Mora and on his travels.This book is incredibly comprehensive following the traditions and history of music in and around Mora including folk music, the music of Bellman and the passioned dancing of the time with a folk orientation. Furthermore the music, the dancing and the instruments are depicted in Zorn’s paintings. Music competitions at that time around 1907-08 and their winners, the spread of these competitions nationally in Sweden made this kind of folk music more respected and known in Sweden. What happened with the spelman, the musician, he all of a sudden became recognized and special, whether he played the accordion, the violn or folk instruments. You will see photographs from the 1900’s of the instruments and scenes of musicians playing for Zorn.Furthermore Zorn collected musical instruments, which are displayed in Zorn Gården in Mora with the rest of his and Emma’s collections. Zorn was wealthy in his day and was also quite a collector of ancient artifacts, metalware, textiles etc. etc.