SILENCE, THE. A Narration about Ingvar Cronhammar

SILENCE, THE. A Narration about Ingvar Cronhammar

Author: Weirup, Torben. Photos by Jens M. Lindhe
Country: Denmark
Language: English
Year Published: 2008
No. of pages: 311
Illustrations: 225 Color Illustrations. 25 B&W Illustrations.
Binding: Hardbound
Size: 11”x 9 1/2”
Weight: 5.00
ISBN: 9788791984044
Biblio/Bio: Bio.
Code: 6394

Price: $75.00

Ingvar Cronhammar is one of the rare artists, who understands architectural reality and how to navigate among limitations and circumstances while preserving the artistic essence of a work. Perhaps that is the reason for the architectural gravitas of his works to date. He goes about his mission with apparent ease, although the process from idea to finished project or installation does not free him from artistic responsibility, from the fearful reckoning that is the dark side of the artistic process. An exciting book showing architecture in a new and avant-garde way with interiors and details of interiors like pieces of furniture. Exteriors including landscape architecture often including art/sculpture installations.